Did you know it’s been over 23 years since the first Counter-Strike game was released? As the developer and publisher of this title, the guys from Valve probably didn’t even think this game would become so popular. This iconic game has grown into a series with five main categories. The last among them is Counter-Strike 2 or simply CS2.
Interestingly, Counter-Strike 2 was released on September 27, 2023, eleven years after the release of Global Offensive. Technically, this is a GO upgrade, and every player who owns Global Offensive gets a free CS2 upgrade.
If you haven’t tried it yet, we invite you to stay with our article explaining what makes Counter-Strike 2 a great game.
Excellent Ambiance
Let’s start by pointing out that CS2 is powered by the Source 2 engine. As a result, players can expect much-improved graphics. For instance, they will notice more detailed and sharper textures, making the setting more realistic. The wood, metal, and other materials look livelier, too.
You will also find improved lightning in the form of more realistic-looking smoke, dust, and other particles. The authors worked on the physics too. This means no more funny-looking object movements and collisions. For the first time in a Counter-Strike game, we see multiple destructible elements which make the game more enjoyable.
So, CS2 comes with important gameplay and visual upgrades compared to its predecessor. The best part is that the Source 2 engine is still being upgraded, which means we can see new improvements soon.
More Engaging Gameplay
One of the reasons why players have remained faithful to the Counter-Strike series is the engaging gameplay. The good news is that the developers have found even new ways to improve the gameplay.
As expected, no factions are included in the main story. So, those involved in CS2 betting can choose between terrorists and counter-terrorists, which also encompasses match winners, draws, and specialized bets. The latter may include group winners, first blood, and correct score betting, letting you predict things, such as which team will get the first kill in the game, what the final score will land on, and similar scenarios.
Still, we’ve seen some exciting upgrades in the weapons section. For instance, the weapons not only produce different sounds, but they also provide a specific feel when used. It might take some time for players (even seasoned ones) to get better at tapping or burst firing. Unlike before, the recoil sequences also feel different because they are affected by crouching, running, and other movements.
According to most users, you’ll no longer feel lightweight like before. The characters are more grounded. The climbing and vaulting have changed, too. Another big thing is that they’ve also worked on jump physics. It’s now easier to aim at enemies and throw grenades while in the air.
Flashbangs, smoke grenades, and the like have more importance in the game than before. Depending on the situation, using any of these tools will mean winning or losing that round.
Finally, let’s mention that the sound and, thus, the gameplay have improved. The sounds of weapons firing, enemies approaching, communication between players, etc., make the experience unforgettable.

New and improved maps
The maps you can expect depend on your chosen mode (more about the modes in our last point). Still, you can expect a mixture of new and improved old maps. For instance, the competitive mode comes with nine maps: Ancient, Anubis, Dust 2, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, Office, and Vertigo.
Ancient is a substitution for the legendary Train map. According to many players, Anubis is the most visually appealing map due to the specific lightning. Players expect to find several other maps in CS2 shortly, including Shoots, Short Dust, Lake, Italy, Canals, and Baggage.
The maps are designed in a way that doesn’t provide an advantage to any team. They all have several cover points and strategically placed choke points. So, a coordinated team approach is crucial for success. It’s nice to get a chance to revisit the old maps that now have an updated appearance.
Enjoyable modes
Thanks to Counter-Strike 2, players get access to more than one multiplayer game mode. We can divide them into two main categories: Classic Casual/Competitive and Deathmatch.
The classical modes are focused on defusing bombs and/or rescuing hostages. As expected, the casual mode suits casual players and vice versa. When it comes to the bombs and hostage scenarios, the roles remain the same: defending the bombsite and rescuing hostages for counter-terrorists and defending hostages and planting C4 explosives at bombsites for terrorists.
We like the wingman sub-modes where 2 players compete against the other 2 players on small maps where they have to defuse/defend bombs. A premier competitive mode also allows players to choose Active-Duty maps.
Last but not least, we have the deathmatch mode, where teams compete against each other, and every user respawns after getting killed.
Overall, Counter-Strike 2 significantly upgrades its predecessor, so we recommend it to all players. Hopefully, this title will someday become available on various PlayStation devices and other game consoles.
This post didnt have a specific author and was published by PS4 Home.