It’s a date that is in every gamer’s calendar. E3 brings along many new exciting game announcements. Here are five that I’d like to see.
Titanfall 2
It was just announced that developer Respawn, who made the original Titanfall, is starting work on an unnamed third-person action/adventure Star Wars game. While this is fantastic news for Star Wars fans, where does it put Titanfall fans? I for one was a huge Titanfall player and have been eagerly awaiting a sequel that smooths out all of the first game’s flaws… Is it near completion and waiting to be announced at E3 so that Respawn can start focusing on their Star Wars title? Or is Titanfall 2 just not meant to be? I really hope it’s the former.
Battlefield 5
It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper Battlefield title (Hardline doesn’t count), and with the amount of people still playing Battlefield 4, it’s only a matter of time before the newest game in the franchise is announced. It likely won’t be Bad Company 3 (which is a shame), but instead a direct sequel to Battlefield 4. Thanks to hints in the last BF4 DLC and due to the fact that the futuristic theme is getting big again, we can probably expect the next Battlefield to be more akin to 2142 than anything else, which will definitely be a treat.
The Last of Us 2
This one isn’t likely to be announced yet, but it’s definitely coming, and PS4 fans will no doubt flip out once that first trailer starts playing. Developer Naughty Dog is done with Uncharted 4, and it’s incredibly likely that all of their focus is now going to go to TLoU… but have they created anything to show off at E3 this year? Or have they been taking a break after completing UC4? We can only hope they’ve at least put together that trailer we’ve all been salivating for.
Red Dead 3
A lot of people will read this and say “3?! There’s only been one Red Dead Redemption!” RDR itself was actually a sequel, though, to the much-less-impressive Red Dead Revolver. Still, Redemption was one of the most beloved titles of last generation, and though Rockstar isn’t that keen on three games in a franchise (outside of GTA of course), they’d be making a big mistake by not continuing the Red Dead legacy.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 4
With Rogue One the movie releasing later this year, what better time to release a Star Wars sequel in a franchise with a similar name? After all, now that Star Wars hype is once again at an all-time high, shouldn’t developers be cashing in? We have a (critically sub-par) new Battlefront and now Respawn’s third-person SW title, but where’s the love for KOTOR, Jedi Knight, Republic Commando, and (my personal favorite) Rogue Squadron? There was a time where Star Wars games could do no wrong, and with the release of PSVR on the horizon, isn’t it time to bring back those glory days and put us in the cockpit of an X-Wing once more?
This post didnt have a specific author and was published by PS4 Home.